Even with this motivation, there seem to be so many obstacles between the couch and the gym. First off, just talking about working out makes me feel like I've done something to help myself get into shape. It is so energizing to picture myself running and lifting weights with alacrity! Its almost like I can just burn calories with my good intentions! Secondly, living off campus puts us a car ride away from an exercise facility. Lame.
Our solution was simple. Bring the gym into our apartment! How chipper Chelsea and Ashley and I were as we ordered a Jillian Micheals DVD and some hand weights. Lots of boastful statements flew around our apartment, like "Oh yeah, girls! We're going to get totally shredded!" and "Dude, we are so going to be ripped! Think of all the chocolate I'll be free to eat!"

Is it her cocky swagger, or the fact that the woman is totally butch that makes Jillian one of the most petrifying people on tv? As Jillian yelled at the three of us throughout our workout, her demanding tone started to wear on me--perhaps more than the deep squats and chest flies. Ashley had the most comical responses to Jillian's verbal harassment:
Ashley: i wasssnnnnn'tttt
Still, there was one comment Jillian made in the DVD that struck me. She pointed to the girl who modeled the more difficult modifications of each movement in the workout, and said,
"If you want to look like this, work like that."
We are far more likely to achieve our goals if we imitate someone emulating those high standards. Without encouragement, without having the bar constantly raised, we will easily slip into a mediocre life.
Jillian, you may be tough, loud, and pushy, but I want to get beyond my mediocrity and press into what is hard for me. I'm watching you, girl.
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