
Oh baby

1.  These two crazies are going to be parents.

2.  Baby Hymas is the size of a lime, and has all of her fingers and toes.  He is thinking, kicking and swallowing when he's not sleeping, and all of his vital organs are up and running.  She already has the distinct facial features that make her look different from other people! 

3. So far, there were 4 weeks where we didn't know we were a trio, and then 5 weeks where we knew, but we couldn't tell the world, 1 week of ralphing, 6 weeks where everything smelled like a poison bomb, 1 week since I've ditched my regular jeans, 4 weeks of crying whenever I think about things like Old Yeller dying, 2 weeks of craving cranberry juice all the time, 6 weeks of detecting every scent within 4 miles, 4 weeks of chewing Eclipse gum all day to fight of nausea, 3 weeks of worrying that I'm going to fall off my step-stool in choir and, in total, 11 weeks of helping Baby Hymas grow all the important parts he or she needs to be a person! Only 29 more weeks to go!

4.  Awkward: Trying to politely refuse soft cheeses and sushi.  E-mailing my professors when I can't come to class because I'm tossing my cookies. Leg twitching during class??  Trying not to forget my vitamins. Picking up the slightest whiff of... everything.
     Awesome: Emily's maternity box with tons of adorable clothes!   Having the best excuse ever for missing Spanish 102.  Choir girls dreaming about how singing around the baby is going to make him or her so smart.  Cuddling with Justin, fuzzy blankets and big mugs of tea, sharing dreams about our family.


  1. Congratulations!!! How exciting for you and Justin! I hope you start to feel better soon... Keep posting about the baby!

  2. Sweet Baby...you are going to have so much fun growing up with these two people!!!!

  3. This is the sweetest thing ever! I love your sense of humor about the less than pleasant parts of pregnancy and the wonderful excitement that comes with all of it. Blessings to you both! That's one lucky baby. :)


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